

meeting street insights football survey

NFL and College Football Fan Survey: Where is the Love?

Is there anything more fundamentally American than football? It’s got community and camaraderie, traditions and superstitions, and some pretty awesome snacks. But best of all, it’s got competition. Some friendly. Most fierce. And not just within the NFL or college leagues, but between them, too. We ran a national voter survey to capture a snapshot of…
research method

How to Know What Research Methodologies to Use for the Insights You Need

Generally speaking, most research methodologies are relatively standard tools. And like most tools, their value depends on the ability of the user. How well you balance the art (technique) and science (tools) of qualitative and quantitative research can determine whether or not you win. Learn how to set a strategy and hypothesis, and deploy questions…
We reveal the insights that help you succeed | Market Research Firm | Public Opinion Research | Meeting St. Insights

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know the winning issues,
targets, and positioning