Meeting Street Insights News
|A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Meeting Street Insights
Learn more about the history, philosophy, and practices of our firm, and how they lead to stronger partnerships and better insights for our clients. As a founder and business owner, one of the most important things I do is to evaluate where we’ve been and where we’re going. This process of reflection helps me better…
Causes, Companies, Market Research
|The Benefits of Market Research
Market research is the best tool for getting the targeted, industry-specific insights required to make truly strategic business decisions. Strengthening or expanding your organization’s foothold in the market can be challenging. There are numerous factors to take into account. Some are standard considerations, such as best practices surrounding business management and administration. Others are more…
Candidates, Causes, Companies, Meeting Street Insights News
|The Impact of the Pandemic on Survey Research
A deeper look at how the pandemic affected polling It’s been over one year since we published a letter to our clients about the changes that the COVID-19 pandemic brought to Meeting Street Insights. We wanted to take this opportunity to take a deeper look at how the pandemic affected polling in both the long-…
|Presidential Approval Ratings at 100 Days
How President Biden’s 100th day approval ratings compare to his predecessors, and what it might mean for the midterms. President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave a radio address on July 24, 1933, to reflect on his first few months in office. He had begun his presidency by convening Congress into a special session that managed to…
Candidates, Election Analysis
|Democrats, Republicans, and the Sunshine State
If you were watching the 2020 Election Night coverage, chances are Florida was a hot topic, especially what was happening in Miami-Dade County at the very bottom of the state. Heading into Election Day, FiveThirtyEight’s polling average in Florida showed Joe Biden with a slight edge (+ 2.5 points); but, by the time all the…
Survey Design
|How Pollsters Use Psychology to Get More Accurate Results
The questionnaire drafting process is one of the most critical parts of a project. Before a (good) polling firm fields any survey, they will review and revise the survey questionnaire multiple times, until the final version is a carefully crafted instrument. The questionnaire drafting process is one of the most critical parts to the success…